This book probably has the best theses on binitarianism, and it lives up to its claim of being Biblical (as the title says). I was born into the largest Philippine indigenous religion, an institutional Church called the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC), i.e., "Church Of Christ", whose theology is Socinianism, otherwise known as "biblical" Unitarianism in modern parlance.
I used to believe that they had the best arguments against Trinitarianism. But through self-study of Scripture & Church history, I've come to reject the Trinity not because of the depressingly unscriptural Unitarian arguments—which are all quite biased and carelessly done through cherry-picking verses to twist & suit their own creedal beliefs, much like how them good ol′ Trinitarian apologists go about defending their own creeds—but because of such an unbiased attitude that I acquired when I left the institutional Church and started to think for myself. Needless to say, someone′s critical thinking usually gets shelved, if not thrown away as trash, when they become overly dependent on their Church leaders/preachers {priests, pastors, presbyters, ministers}.
This book has helped me to look through the lens of both Trinitarianism & Unitarianism (Socinianism, neo-Arianism & Modalism/Oneness theology), and of course biblical "Binitarianism", which is what the Bible uncontestably & unequivocally teaches on theology/Christology. I hope & pray that those who read the theses presented in this book will be enlightened by God & Christ′s Spirit, in order to come to terms with what the Scriptures actually mean to say or not say about the Godhead {Gk. Theiótes – divinity, divine nature; Theótes – deity, the state of being God}, a term used exclusively of the Father & the Son.
Nœmer Araullo,
Non-denominational Christian